Friday, March 11, 2022

The Consideration of Getting LASIK Twice

You would think that after getting LASIK Los Angeles once that getting the procedure a second time shouldn’t even be considered. Yet, a surprising number of people will go through it to get the best possible vision they can, often a long time after they have their first surgery. A second LASIK eye surgery could be needed due to the simple aging process, as your eyes might need something of a tune-up to optimize at the level of efficiency that you need them to be. So let’s delve into just why this is, the risks and benefits that come with it. 

The Reason

As mentioned before, as time marches on after your first  LASIK, there will often come a time where you will need a second laser eye surgery. As your eyes age, they will eventually change, even after a surgery is completed leaving you more liable to suffer from an adverse condition that needs to be corrected, which a second surgery can indeed accomplish. Thankfully these changes aren’t as severe or radical as someone whose eyes are developing before 18, but they are noteworthy enough to do something to correct the problem. 

The Enhancement surgery

If your eyes genuinely are undergoing a condition that is causing them to decline despite the surgery you initially acquired. In that case, getting laser eye enhancement surgery may indeed need to be considered. Before going through such a surgery, make sure that you consult your doctor to acquire a full grasp as to what your eyes’ conditions are to operate on them appropriately. Thankfully, the chances of you needing enhancement surgery after an initial eye corrective surgery are only below 5%, making the need rare.

Possible Conditions

There are several reasons why you would need to go through a second surgery besides the aging process. Perhaps your cornea has healed wrong after receiving an errant scratch or another form of damage. Another reason could be that your cornea’s health is deteriorating entirely, leaving your eye vulnerable to further injury. With the passage of enough time, almost anything can become possible. 

Unfinished Work

Though this is rare, another issue that crops up is that the refractive errors that your eye had with your vision may not have been corrected the first time. Another laser vision correction flap might be necessary to restore your cornea once again and go over any possible previously made oversights. Such surgeries can be different from enhancement procedures as more extensive work will have to be conducted to correct any mistakes. As mentioned before, this is quite rare, but it can happen. 


Though this type of LASIK eye surgery is not needed often compared to others, there’s no denying that it could become necessary when getting older, particularly around the 40-year mark, which is the most common age for sight complications to crop up due to age. There’s always the chance that it could be something else besides age, but that’s even rarer. It doesn’t hurt to have this knowledge on hand so that you understand it’s a viable option. 

Wednesday, March 9, 2022

Why Are Eye Exams Important For Kids?

It is important that you get regular eye exams to maintain lifelong healthy vision, according to the LASIK Los Angeles eye doctors. Everyone, no matter who you are, what your occupation is, your age, and your current vision, should book an eye exam at a clinic or LASIK eye center at least once a year. 

Make Sure To Keep Your Prescriptions Up-To-Date

Have you noticed that you have been squinting a lot lately? Also, have you noticed that looking at the leaves on the trees is starting to look blurry and fuzz into a mass before you? Has it been more of a challenge to read distant billboards or small font sizes? If the answer is yes, it’s probably time to update your eyeglasses or contact lens prescription.

Early Detection Is The Best Treatment For Eye Disease

Bear in mind that eye exams are not solely about prescriptions. Unfortunately, there are many sight-threatening eye conditions such as age-related macular degeneration and glaucoma, which are very slow to develop. Therefore, the symptoms are not apparent to the patient until the eye condition has done a lot of damage. However, getting regular eye exams lets you detect eye disease early on and you can get treatments like laser eye surgery before it gets worse.

Eye Strain Can Have A Negative Effect On Productivity

Nowadays, our lives revolve around screens, and many of us spend a lot of our time in front of a computer, or at least a smartphone—all of this screentime results in digital eye strain. The symptoms consist of blurred vision, dry eyes, and frequent headaches. Certainly, having these symptoms can make a day working on the computer very challenging, even if it won’t cause a threat to your sight. 


Vision Health Is Connected To Overall Health

Besides updating your prescription and asking for LASIK eye surgery costs, tackling the effects of digital eye strain, and looking out for early indications of eye diseases, your eye doctor or LASIK surgeon can also check for early signs of many chronic conditions. These include high blood pressure, diabetes, high cholesterol, and even some types of cancer. Not only are the eyes the windows to your soul, but they are also the portholes to your overall well-being!

You Can’t Substitute Eye Exams With Basic Vision Screenings for Kids

Most of the time, schools provide vision screenings at the beginning of the school year, but they can’t check for a lot besides nearsightedness. There are many other things that can go wrong with a child’s eyesight, and surprisingly many of them go untreated, resulting in serious issues with their learning and development. Thorough eye exams at a clinic will detect eye problems a school nurse would have probably missed, and it is recommended to begin at six months old. 

Eye exams are important for a lifetime of optimal and healthy vision. Beginning with detecting vision problems in children before it has a negative effect on their schooling and making sure to nip age-related eye diseases in the bud.